Monday, October 9, 2017

Russian hacker stole NSA Data withKaspersky Antivirus

Recently, it is found that the Russian Hacker have used Kaspersky antivirus to steal data from United States National Security Agency (NSA). According to the reports from WSJ, the entire events took place in 2015 and it was discovered in 2016.

NSA is indeed one of the world's most powerful government agencies. However, that doesnot mean that they are secure from security threats and hacking attempts. The  report claimed that the russian hacker exploided kaspersky antivirus programme developed by kaspersky lab and install in the personal computer of one of the unnamed NSA contractor and the hacker stole the secret files.
But it is still unclear that how Kaspersky was exploited to execute the hack,there is still confused that whether the software package was already programmed by the company to spy on NSA or Hackers have targetedit at a later stage.

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